Saturday, March 26, 2011

just a few weeks left!

well we're at week 37 here so i thought i should probably do a little update. (little? is that possible?) sunday the 20th was my last day of work, and i feel simultaneously relieved and tormented by this. it's nice to know that i will now most likely be at home when labor starts,...but that's right about where the relief ends. for the most part, staying home is just a huge heap of boredom and stress. i am not a person who likes to be alone, so once my to-do list is done for the day, there's nothing left to do but wallow in my loneliness. ok, that's a bit melodramatic, but my goodness is it boring. in less than a week, i have already dwindled down my baby prep list quite a bit. everything is washed and put away in its proper place, the house is clean, car seats are set up, is my big grocery shopping day, followed by lots of cooking and freezing. that stuffed elephant is started. i bought the materials i needed to finish it, but had a startling realization yesterday while walking the dog--i figured out why i've never fully gotten onto the sewing wagon...or the reading wagon, or the gardening wagon, or the knitting wagon....while these are all things i long to learn and would love to have mastered, they are all SOLO hobbies. i am sarah. i HATE being solo. so how can i spend the hours required to really learn these things or call myself a doer of them? i love books. i think they're wonderful. but do i read many of them? nope. i love vegetables and nature and making things, but have i gotten past the research phase of starting a garden? not hardly. but am i really ok with resigning myself to a life of wish-i-had's all because of this one, LAME excuse? no. so what do i do? so far the only option i see is to figure out how to do these things in a group setting. i don't see my entire way of being changing, but i do know that sewing circles and book clubs exist. for the time being, i don't have the money for these things, and probably won't have the time at any point in the near future either. but, i have my entire life ahead of me. and now that i know what it is that's been holding me back, and have figured out a way around this obstacle, i have every intention and every capability of finally doing these things i've been longing to do for so long. it feels good to have figured out another part of my ever-mysterious self. i don't know why i do a lot of what i do, so when a piece of the puzzle finally clicks, it's a really tremendous feeling.
i guess this little update isn't going to be so little after all...
back to baby stuff--
the hypnobirthing classes are over. am i glad i took them? yes. very much so. not only did i learn some valuable techniques and information, i also met some wonderful people. now, have i been practicing said techniques? take a wild guess. i'm not sure what has been holding me back. since i've been on leave and sitting around thinking so much, i have had a couple momentary episodes of worry about being in labor. so you'd think i would want to really buckle down and start preparing. but that just hasn't happened yet. the class was great, though, and the instructor was wonderful. she also happens to do placenta encapsulation, which jason and i have decided would be a good idea. if you would have asked me a couple years ago if i would ever dream of eating my own placenta, i would have answered with a big fat NO after promptly having barfed on your shoes. but, the evidence in support of it is astounding--how could i not want more energy, less bleeding, shorter recovery time, improved mood...? (here's a great website for more info)
haven't made samson's video yet. i feel like that's something i should do when it really feels right, not just because it's next on my list. i have, however started looking into pediatricians (a little late, i know), and boy what a pain in the butt that is. after much research to little avail, however, my friends once again came to the rescue with their recommendations. (why didn't i just ask them in the first place??) so now i have a few numbers to call on monday and hopefully i can get some consultations set up. what i'm really looking for besides the obvious is someone who doesn't think pills first. i want all natural options exhausted before any medication is prescribed. hopefully one of these doctors will fit that bill.
we also met with the cloth diaper service people and got that all set up. i haven't yet actually technically done business with them, but i will say based on phone calls, that initial meeting, and the products we have so far been given, that happi bunz is an EXCELLENT company. jason and i loved everything about the man we spoke with and the business model he presented. i foresee this being a choice we'll be very glad we made.
here are a couple more pictures of samson and the nursery:

35 weeks:

hung these pictures up finally

the cutest thing in the world--thanks, jamie!

blanket, bear, cap and booties made by auntie amie's friend :) so sweet and so well done!

well i suppose that's it for now. three more weeks to go and he hasn't dropped yet. that's fine by me. he's got more important things to do in there still. i'm gonna put my money on april 15th. i don't think he's going anywhere any time soon.