Friday, May 20, 2011

month one

samson my dear,

your first month on this earth has come to an end, hopefully only to give way to hundreds upon hundreds more. i love you so much more with each passing day it's hard for me to believe. our first 4 weeks together have really been a blast, and i know there is so much more fun and excitement to come. i cannot believe how lucky i am that you are finally here, and that you're all mine and i never have to give you up to anybody. you are such a wonderful baby in every way, and i'm so grateful to have you, not just any baby, but YOU.

you have such a wonderful temperament. you never cry without reason, typically hunger, but sometimes boredom or fatigue. you have a few "stations" around the house that you like to spend time in, and you don't like to be in any one for too long. but you don't make a big fuss about it. you just let out a little noise that tells me, "next please", and wait for me to move you.
you're already becoming more aware of your surroundings. about a week ago you started making cute little noises, which i ADORE, grasping things like toys and hair on occasion with something resembling purpose, and letting me know you need a diaper change.
you really enjoy being around a lot of people, young or old. each time i bring you into one of these situations, i worry you'll be over stimulated, but you just eat it up, staring wide-eyed and taking it all in. i can't wait til you gain the ability to share with me all you've been learning. when i first thought about taking you out of the house, i was overwhelmed by what i thought that task might entail. but as it turns out, it's really quite fun, and not a challenge at all. as long as i feed you before i put you in your carseat, you're pretty much down for anything. you like your stroller, and your baby sling even more. and i love to carry you around in my little kangaroo pouch, with your adorable face sticking out absorbing everyone and everything we pass, or sometimes just in a deep slumber.
every once in awhile, and more frequently all the time, you share this amazing smile with me. it's such a beautiful sight, i just can't describe what it does to me. i know once you're able to do it in response to things that i will do any and all of the things that elicit that beautiful expression, no matter how silly or degrading, no matter who is watching or judging. and when i finally get to hear your laugh--well my heart just might explode.

your dad is so amazing with you. he is so capable and loving, and so involved. he is a true partner in caring for you and that has made the hard parts so much easier and the good parts so much better. i love to see him holding you and interacting with you, and i just know your love for him will increase exponentially as you grow.

i love you, samson tung. i look forward to the many months ahead of us in our journey. thank you so much for coming into my life.