Wednesday, July 6, 2011

month three

samson my sweet,

where did this month go?? somehow the first three months of my pregnancy seemed about 3
times longer than the first three months of your life. these last 4 weeks especially have just flown by at an astounding rate. you are a completely different baby than you were when we first met, and you're a completely different baby nearly every day it seems. it makes it a little difficult to keep up sometimes, but i have to say it also makes it pretty exciting. when i read up about your development, where you've been and where you're going, it's truly shocking how fast it's all going. i can't believe that in just one month you might start to babble, sitting up and crawling just a couple months after that. and then food! in just three months you'll be eating real, honest to goodness PEOPLE FOOD, and that just boggles my mind. then before i know it, you'll be reaching for something to pull yourself up to your feet, and taking your first steps that will carry you through your amazing life.
so what happened this met your great grandpa leroy and great grandma tina for the first time. your great grandpa just beamed from ear to ear the entire visit. he brought with him the rocking chair he had been rocked in as a baby, and that your grandma and great uncle brad had been rocked in as well. it's such an honor to now have this chair in my home that has so much history. it has now become the reading chair, and it brings me such joy to hold you and rock you in it as we explore the wonderful world of BOOKS!
we had some exciting milestones reached as well. on june 29th you rolled over from your tummy to your back. you've done it probably a dozen times since then, but no matter how smooth it looks, it still always seems almost by accident. i think you definitely have the muscles, (boy are you a strong baby! you LOVE to stand up, bearing all your weight for several minutes at a time), but you don't seem to have the desire. you love to look at things, ALL THE THINGS! but you never seem to want to reach for them, or bat at them. so why would you need to roll over, right? i'm not worried, though. i know soon enough you'll be grabbing at EVERYTHING, leaving a path of destruction in your wake. so i can take a few more weeks of just looking...
you also gave us your first real laughs the very next day when your daddy did a silly dance with you. we've been lucky enough to hear them twice more since then, and i don't know that there's a sweeter sound in the whole wide world.
on the 1st i bought a little plastic pool for the backyard and your daddy and i took you out in it. you seemed to dig it, so the next day we took you to the pool at your uncle asa and auntie kelsie's apartment complex. you had a blast. you didn't really smile, but you just seemed so comfortable in there.
i would say the biggest change that has occurred in our routine this month is how independent you've become. i think you were ready for it all along, and your dad and i just needed to realize that. we stopped holding you so much and found out that you actually enjoy being in your swing or your rocker, or just laying on your back in your little play gym. we take you upstairs into your room almost every day now, where we do some tummy time, practice rolling over, read some books and just hang out.

well sammy, i feel like we're really starting to get into the
thick of things here, and i look forward to watching you as
you continue to grow.
i love you.