Sunday, April 15, 2012


What. A. RIDE! I think we are both completely different people than we were a year ago.
I'm struggling to write something here that hasn't already been said by every mother before me, like how grateful I am for you, or how much you've taught me, or how I could just cuddle you and watch you play all day, or how you amaze me with how intelligent and sweet you are...These things are all true, of course, but they just don't do it justice. Being your mom has been the biggest challenge of my life, which somehow has unimaginable rewards even when I'm failing at it.
It's such indescribable joy to be proud of my son. It doesn't even matter what you do. Of course sometimes you frustrate me, and I know when you get older you'll make mistakes. But I know no matter what you do, I will always be proud to call you my son, because that's just how much I love you.
You are sweet, inquisitive, funny, shy, persistent, strong, adorable, cheerful, patient, well-behaved...all the things I'm sure every mother says of every child. But to have a child of mine own who is all of these things, whose every moment I get to be a part of, who will continue to grow and expand upon who he is as I watch in amazement with a love that is ever exceeding its perceived limitations--that is what astonishes me every day, and what makes me feel like the luckiest woman on earth.
You really are such an easy baby. Rarely cranky, a good eater, patient at (most) diaper changes, easy-going, silly and smart. Nursing is still going great, which makes me really happy. I think when it's over, I'll miss it more than you, so for now I just soak you all in as much as I can while you still let me snuggle you close.
I love you and thank you with all my heart, and I cannot wait for the day when you have a child of your own so you can finally comprehend the love I have for you.

Year one stats:
You are 22 pounds and 28.5 inches tall!
Nicknames: anything Sam related, Mr. Baby, Baby Man.
Favorite foods: plain greek yogurt, any pasta, 7 layer bean dip, chili, pot roast, cheesy chicken broccoli, apple sauce oatmeal, cheerios. You also LOVE water (especially from cups with straws and mommy's water bottle) and loved cow's milk from the very first drop a couple days ago.
You're a great eater and a fabulous sleeper and you constantly impress us with how quickly you learn and master new things.
You took your first steps at 10 months old, with your first unassisted step the day before you turned 10 months. In just two weeks you were a walking machine.
Stood alone around 9 months.
Started actively playing with us and being silly.
Fed yourself crackers at 8 1/2 months.
Had your first baby food at 6 months, brown rice cereal then sweet potatoes. Started crawling!
Pulled yourself to standing at almost 6 months, and cut your first tooth on your half birthday.
Got to sitting on your own at 5 1/2 months not long after you had learned to sit unassisted.
At 5 months we started scheduled naps and early bedtime in your own crib with a modified cry it out technique. BEST DECISION EVER.
At 3 months--you laughed!
First rolled over at 2 1/2 months.
Had our first "conversation" at 2 months.
First smile was around 4 weeks.
Gained 3 pounds in month one and enjoyed lots of tummy time and started making sounds at about 4 weeks.

My favorite things you do: smack your lips when you see me drinking from a straw because you want me to share, clap and wave, drum on stuff, put things on/in things, nose crinkle, dork laugh/cough, play with souji's tail, shake your head "no", go nuts when we let you stand up on the couch, make "vrooooom" noises when playing with your trucks or buses, love your daddy to pieces, snuggle your croccy with all your might and a good grunt or two, pull or push a toy as you walk along, "pet" souji, race around downstairs with your scooter and put toys in it as you go as if you were grocery shopping, make yourself laugh, play with my face and hair, and smile and laugh at my ridiculous songs.

Year two, here we come!!