holy cow are you hard to keep up with!
i think that is the sentiment that best sums up how i've felt this month. you're so constantly changing! every time i turn around you're doing something new and leaving something old behind. for instance, last week all you wanted to do was make fart noises ALL DAY. this week, you're constantly screaming, and there's not a bubble to be found. you also have started to like being held in a way that used to frustrate you, and you wanted the pacifier a couple of times for the first time in weeks. you're grabbing your feet a lot now, too, and i'm just gonna be blunt--you're going bald. you've taken to reading on the floor in lieu of your awesome rocking chair. this one makes me a bit sad, but at least you still like books.
and ohmygoodness the GRABBING!! it's like night and day--last month you just stared at everything. now it's so amazing to see you grabbing for them. i love when i hand you something and you understand what i'm doing and you take it and investigate it...with your mouth, of course:
you've really become a little scientist. it's so awesome.
you are now napping in your crib, which is somehow quite freeing for me even though i never really felt i had to tiptoe around you when you slept in the living room. you also sleep in your bassinet now, which is NICE. it took me over a week to actually make the move instead of just talking about it. i really love cuddling you as you sleep, but the fact is, you really don't let me do that anymore anyway, so you were, in a sense, just a spacer between your dad and me--not good.
boy, i just looked back at last month's post and i can't believe how much has happened since then!! last month you rolled over, now this month you're not rolling as much, but you're just so WIGGLY! you get your knees up under your belly and push yourself forward or roll onto your side. it's so awesome! and we heard your laugh for the first time last month, and now you grace us with it all the time. :) you've been swimming many more times, and we play in your room all the time now. there's so much to do in there! and you love to sit outside every night once the sun goes down. you like to go for walks, but not when it's dark for some reason...
and cousin jenna came to visit!!

woohoo! we had a lot of fun with her
and got some awesome pictures. :)
i miss seeing her every year. i hope
we can do lots more visits and that you
will come to know her well.
so what else happened this month? we discovered you like playing the piano. you love all musical things in general i think. shakers, recorders, your dad's washboard tie, singing, dancing, ... you really get a kick out of all that stuff. i discovered on the 10th that you will do tummy time for like a week straight as long as there's something in front of you that fascinates you. this is helpful if i'm showering and we're home alone. ;)

on the 12th of july, you just would NOT SHUT UP! haha--
Hurray for Samson!