Saturday, November 20, 2010


so friday and saturday i was feeling some kind of movement in my belly, not entirely sure that it was the bean or not. it felt like someone had replaced all of the amniotic fluid in my uterus with 7up. then, sunday night, i began feeling some definite kicks while we were driving up to oregon. what was awesome was, even though i've been reading everywhere that i would feel them for awhile before jason would be able to, he put his hand on my belly and could feel them right away. he's a strong little guy! we are naming him samson, so i guess that's pretty fitting. when we were at the bookstore on thursday, he gave me a kick so strong, the surprise i felt nearly knocked me off my chair! friday and today, however, he has been a little more quiet. but he doesn't appear yet to have any times of day or specific activities that will set him off. in fact, i've even tried poking him a little to coax some movement, but so far he just does it when he darn well pleases. but when the movements are strong, i'm even able to see them just by looking at my stomach. and last night while laying in bed, jason was able to feel the first punch-kick combo so far. it was pretty awesome. there was a poke in the middle of my belly, then a poke lower and to the left immediately after. that kid isn't messing around in there! it's really an amazing feeling, and i'm so grateful it's finally here. i can't stop thinking about it all day long, wondering if i'll feel him while i eat, or do dishes, or fold some laundry. it makes me feel like there really is someone in there with me all day, every day. a constant companion. and it's an incredible thing.

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