Friday, January 7, 2011

third trimester!

so it's been three months since i updated this thing. we'll just blame that on the holidays...
a lot has happened since then, i suppose, but i guess it's mostly just the same old, same old. he's growin, i'm growin, he's kickin, i'm gettin kicked. everything's still going very well. i had some pretty gnarly indigestion for a few days in december, but then it was gone. the gym, however, is getting much more difficult. since my resting heart rate keeps climbing with his growth, there is less and less i can do at the gym that keeps me below 140 bpm, and there are some days when it gets me really down. i couldn't figure out why it was upsetting me so much at first; i knew all along a day would come when i'd have to tone it way down and probably change my entire routine. at first i thought i was just bothered by how much sooner it had come than i had expected. then i realized that it was bringing on a sort of mini identity crisis. working out at the gym, lifting weights more specifically, which i've been doing for 8 years now, is a very large part of how i identify myself. it's a large piece of the sarah puzzle and to suddenly have to throw it out, not knowing when i'd be able to get it back, was crushing for me. and realizing how alone i was, that i had no one with a similar routine to get advice from, caused a little breakdown. but after talking to jason about it, looking at some bodybuilding websites, and thinking it through, i realized that the best thing for me to do is not to stop it completely. i may have to keep modifying and modifying until there's hardly anything recognizable left from before, but as long as i'm doing what feels familiar to me, and what's safe, i think we'll both be better off. so, i bought a pregnancy workout dvd made by a very fit, very pregnant lady, (who used to be in cirque du soleil) and i'm really looking forward to trying it out. it hasn't come yet, but today i went back to the gym and did a lot of the exercises i'm used to, just modified so i could sit or take it slower somehow. and it was great! my heart rate monitor rarely beeped, and i even did a complete lower body workout, (which i have been neglecting for months now), without it beeping once. i think the closer i stick to my old routine (safely, of course), the happier and healthier we both will be before, during, and after labor.

so enough of that. onto the the fun stuff. :) the holidays really got me mixed up, and once they were over, i realized we only had THREE MONTHS LEFT!! crazy! what a shock that was. so now i'm in full-blown baby mode, trying to get things done before we run out of time. we haven't finished painting his furniture, haven't even started painting the nursery, haven't finished the gift registry, haven't solidified a date for the baby shower, or made invitations or plans of any sort for it, and *gasp* still have not even signed up for or even settled on a birthing class. not good. i feel very prepared knowledge-wise, thanks to ina may gaskin's "guide to childbirth" (best book EVER!!), but i definitely would like some practice with relaxation techniques. so i have some reading to do on which class to take, and then hopefully we can start those soon. the 18th is our last monthly checkup, then it's every 2 weeks. wow. the last 2 checkups we had, everything was awesome. no ultrasound pictures, but i don't feel as much anymore like i need those, since he moves around so much every day. i feel like that's his way of telling me he's doing fine. for almost a week now, i have noticed a new development--he loves to be on my right side, all bunched up. he still kicks me all over the place, but whenever i feel a big hard mass, it's always on the right. and last night he just stayed there for a good hour while i just rubbed his back...or butt, or whatever that was. i can't wait till he's finally here, when i can really get to know him. it will be so amazing to see his personality develop day by day, week by week. i'll learn what he loves and what makes him cranky, and we'll come to know each other so well. i'm really looking forward to this new world, where everything i do has a greater purpose. there will be so many challenges, and so many rewards, and everything will have a meaning that wasn't there before. for someone who thinks of going to the park as an adventure, i feel like i've just bought a one-way ticket to another galaxy.


  1. I've said it once and I'll say it again. Hypnobirthing . get the book, read it, and do the excersizes diligently, when you're done you will be able to take a monster contraction without tightening one muscle.

    you can also take a class you help you with these people

    Love you, you're doing great!

  2. awesome, thank you! i read the book (the mongan method?) and i'm ready for a class! i've only practiced a couple of times, though... :(
