Saturday, October 1, 2011

month six

sammy ry,

holy. moly.
where do i begin? i feel like my life changed all over again this month. i would say this has been, by far, the best month since you were born. and a lot of that "bestness" is stemming from this last week, as well as all the awesomeness i can see on the horizon.

as of late, i have been quite displeased with who i've become--someone who is so often grumpy and angry for no apparent reason. i found myself sabotaging every day the three of us spent together with my short temper and sour mood. the strange thing was, though, i couldn't figure out why in the heck i was acting this way. what on earth do i have to feel angry about when there is so much i have to be thankful for??? i kept asking myself this question, over and over again, racking my brain trying to come up with an answer. well, a few days ago i just cleared my mind, and said, "i'm angry because..."--and it just flowed out of me. "i'm angry because i haven't been living my life the way i want to live it." wow. it just hit me like a truck--i've been letting laziness and stupid excuses get in the way of me doing the things i wanted to be doing, and being the person i wanted to be. so i meditated on this for awhile, and realized the solution to this problem was quite simple--it all comes down to decisions. every thing i do, every move i make, every thought i have, every action i take...they all happen when i make a CHOICE. so, i decided that from that point on, i would make sure that before i did ANYTHING, be it reacting to an emotion i was having, deciding whether or not to act on something, or making a big life change, i would decide which thing would make me HAPPIEST in the long run, and just DO IT, no ifs, ands or buts. it's only been four days so far, but i haven't felt this good in a long time. it's amazing the impact something so small can have. when i feel frustrated with samson, i just say, "ten minutes from now, how would i want to have reacted to this?" when i'm feeling lazy and don't want to take my vitamins or work out, i just remind myself that i'm always happier having done these things. anyway, that's quite a large tangent from the usual baby update, but it has had, and i think will continue to have, such a positive affect on my life and my attitude that i felt like i really needed to share it.
i am so ridiculously excited that you are 6 months old now, samson!! you are learning things at such a rate that i can hardly keep up! literally over night, you could sit! you went from sitting on your own for only a couple of seconds, to doing it for an entire minute without anything in between! and you make vast improvements and significant modifications to your crawling style on a daily basis. it's really amazing and so fun to watch. you are so close to getting into a sitting position by yourself, i can almost taste it! and yesterday you tried to pull yourself into a standing position for the very first time, and then you did it today on what was only your third try!

i'm so excited for what's to come, as well. tomorrow you will get your first taste of solid food! and your first halloween is in just a few weeks! then it's thanksgiving, and christmas, and new years! oh, the family visits that will be had! you may even get your first snow! then before you know it, we'll be celebrating your first birthday! that's a lot of exclamation points, kid!!
but anyway, back to the present, or rather the past month...
so the first day after i updated your last month post, you had an amazing second nap:
i changed him, read a story in the rocking chair, but him in his crib with a kiss, (this time with pacifier AND hugging a small stuffed animal), and there was NO CRYING!! WHY AREN'T THESE LETTERS BIGGER???!! i am shocked and amazed! i can't even hear him wiggling or anything! i think he just fell right to sleep. MIRACLES ARE HAPPENING IN MY HOUSE!
as you can see there, i was very impressed. and you've done it several times since then. the improvement in your day-to-day mood and temperament has seen a very large improvement since you've been sleeping better. i am SO happy that we made this change.
around the middle of september, you really started to become mobile, and have been improving on your technique ever since. i can't wait to see how you choose to get around once you can control your arms and legs better. right now it's this awesome scoot/hop/army crawl thing, with a little bit of a monkey crawl thrown in here and there for good measure.
on september 20th i started looking into (finally) getting you vaccinated. you hadn't had any yet because i just couldn't make up my mind about what i wanted to do. there is so much conflicting (and SCARY) information out there. after doing a butt-ton of research, though, i finally figured out a plan that is best for us, and on the 29th you got your first shot--and you made lee ermey look like this guy: and the best part was, you had absolutely NO adverse reaction to it at all, not even a little redness. :)

friday was my first day at my second job, which will mean your dad taking care of you 3 days a week from noon on. i'm really excited for you and your dad to get some more bonding time, but i think i am going to miss you like crazy. i think it might also be really tough having to go back to never having a day off with your dad again, but i'm really hopeful we can make this work.

bean sprout, i am so in love with you, at times i can hardly believe it. at just six months old, you are already so brave, smart, sweet, determined, strong, handsome, and have such a great sense of humor. i feel so proud to have you as my son.

i love you with every one of my earthly particles,

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