Friday, August 6, 2010

the gym...dun dun dun

so i just had my first workout with this little raisin-sized blastocyst/former zygote, and it was pretty interesting. i have been reading a LOT about what kind of exercise is ok to do when you're pregnant, and it looks like during the first trimester i can stick relatively close to what i used to do, even though that was a lot by most womens' standards i suppose. the main points to follow were to keep my heart rate under 140, and don't exert myself past 7 on a scale of 1-10. since i haven't bought a heart rate monitor yet, i took it really easy today, and that was difficult. it all felt very foreign and strange, stopping at 8 reps instead of 10, and lifting much lighter. it was also hard to force myself to rest for longer periods in between. but whatever keeps him happy. :) i just consider myself lucky that i don't have any nausea or fatigue to keep me from working out. i do still feel really bloated and firm in my belly, so doing the ab exercises was weird. my stomach feels the same way it does when i eat WAY too much, even when i haven't eaten anything. it's just really tight, and sitting in some positions is uncomfortable. anyway, they say you can do ab exercises until you feel discomfort, but i think i might just leave them out. what's the point in having a six pack now anyway? :) i am worried about the next two trimesters, though. i'll have to chill out even more with the amount of weight, and i won't be able to do any exercises on my back. that means that all the work i put into being able to bench 100 lbs will have to be done all over again.
also, i have to pee a lot (!) already (which is apparently due to a 50% (!) increase in my blood volume). this is weird for someone who used to go like twice a day.
i want to make it clear, though, that these are NOT complaints, merely observations. i will do anything and everything this baby requires, and i will do it with a smile, because he's not even born yet, and he's already done so much for me.


had some fun today researching how old the little bean probably is now, and what he's doing in there. i've come to the conclusion he is probably about 1 week old, and only implanted his tiny little self into my *hopefully* stellar uterus 3 days ago. what a journey he has already had! it started 5 weeks ago, when my belly made a modest little bungalow inside itself, hoping to entice a nice little couple by the name of mr. sperm and mrs. egg (who had just gotten married, but the mrs. had not yet legally changed her know what a legal rigamarole that is...). my belly has apparently been doing this every month for many years to no avail, but it was not until last month that it would finally fulfill it's destiny. what patience! so the newlyweds settled in, after having honeymooned in my fallopian tubes, (i hear it's really nice there this time of year). and there, in their new home, made just for them, the two became one, and made a baby. :)

although by all visual accounts this is obviously an it, i'm going to stick with calling it a he until proven otherwise. i'm sure he would appreciate it.


  1. I totally love that you are going to keep being so active during your pregnancy. I never did much weight lifting, my thing was fight training and kick boxing, which I had to stop dead once i found out since 1 kick to the stomach in even on accident while training could have ended the pregnancy. For what it's worth, Nic recommends taking the weight way down, to about 30% of what you would normally lift and increasing your reps by maybe 5-10 times. (For instance instead of 20lbs, 20 reps, do 3 or 4 lbs and 100 reps.) that way you work all the little muscles instead of the major ones, and it won't strain your body like your old routine would. He also says to step up your stretching routine (although I know you have to be careful because your ligaments are loosening and its easy to strain a muscle)Good luck! It's gonna be an awesome journey!

  2. I'm new to blogs...but I'm certain that this is MOST ENTERTAINING /EDUCATIONAL One around!

  3. i think nic's advice might be a really good idea. (thanks, nic!!) it's good to do that sort of thing once in awhile anyway, pregnant or not, to tone up and lean out. so it might do double good now. i took the weight down today probably only to 60%, and the reps down as well to 80%. but if i do even less weight, i can rep it up and maybe come out of this looking pretty toned. *crosses fingers*

  4. Lol. You make me feel super lazy with all your excercise... What's your edd based on lmp? When's your first appt??

  5. march 12th. :) appointment with the midwife i found on thursday. just a consultation, though, i guess, because i don't think she can tell me anything yet, right?

  6. ya sarah, it'll just be a 'get to know you' visit. But it will still be a awesome appt. Bring ur list of ?s and a notepad to take notes.the best advice you'll ever get is this: don't listen too closely to the advice of others. the ONLY person u should really really listen too is ir midwife/doc. while others mean well, what works for 1 person may not work for u! and whatever u do...Do Not Listen to others horror delivery stories!! just stop them b4 they tell u...its not worth the stress.

  7. thanks, jenna!! i will be sure to take your advice. already making a list. :)
