Monday, August 16, 2010


well, i think i have discovered the too-tired-to-do-anything part of the first trimester. for the past three days now i have felt pretty sluggish at work, and when i come home, all i want to do is eat and go to bed, which has not been good for my exercise routine, or my social life. it used to be dinner, gym, then something fun, like going to the movies. but now by 9 pm i'm falling asleep on the couch. yesterday i managed to make myself get up and do a ton of dishes and even go do a full-body exercise routine in my room, and fold a load of towels, before going to sleep. but i really need to get back to the gym; it's been a few days now. the plus side, i guess, though, is that i have been sleeping better, only waking up once or twice during the night, and falling back to sleep pretty quickly. (i am a notoriously terrible sleeper.)
that's it for now. for the most part i'm just feeling lucky that i have no morning sickness, since literally every woman i talk to says she had it all three trimesters.
i'll write that homebirth blog when i have the energy....

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